Free Chinese Kid's Videos / Cartoons

We have found that it's difficult to find high-quality Chinese videos for our Children to watch in Chinese. Chinese video sites like Youku and TuDoWang have lots of great children's series and videos available, but sadly regional restrictions make them unavailable here in America. Whenever we find a good video available or series of cartoons available on line, we will try and get around to writing a post about it and linking to it here.

Let your kids watch some Chinese TV or videos every day! Don't feel guilty about it. You're not being a bad parent and their brains aren't wasting away in front of the TV. They are having a good time and they are learning Chinese. And you get a baby sitter for free. Let your kids watch more Chinese TV!

See all posts tagged with the label "Videos" here, or here is a listing of individual posts:

Teach Kids Chinese Home-made videos!

Chinese Cartoons / Chinese Kids Shows

Short Chinese videos

Chinese Movies

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