Free Chinese Worksheets

As I mentioned in the About Me page, one of the reasons I started this blog was because I was having a hard time finding the resources to teach my kids to read and write Chinese. They already speak perfectly fine, but just talking to them in Chinese won't be enough to teach them to read and write. My husband and I looked around the internet for worksheets for the kids to practice writing with, and we couldn't find stuff that was very kid friendly. That's why I started making my own Chinese worksheets for kids. Below I will link to all the worksheets that I make. Also, we will blog about the other good resources we find online to help our kids read and write Chinese and blog about them. We'll post links here.

See all posts tagged with the label "Worksheets" here, or here is a listing of individual posts:

Free Practice Sheets I've made:

  • Remember, one helpful tip if you don't want to print millions of pages is to use these practice sheets inside of a sheet protector. Your young child can then use a dry erase marker to trace the characters and write them again inside the boxes. It's about right for the attention span of a preschooler or a kindergartener, and this way can be used over and over again.

Practice Sheets from the internet:

Other resources for learning to read and write Chinese

Also, check out our Chinese Apps page. Apps are one of the best ways for your kids to learn Chinese!

What do you think of these resources? Comment below!


  1. You should make the writing boxes longer, because I want them to write more chinese characters.

  2. You should make the writing boxes longer, because I want them to write more chinese characters.

  3. try, this is a free tool to generate Chinese worksheets

  4. thank you for a great post. read more
